The master class: Green hydrogen, a solution for decarbonizing industry?

A budget of €2 billion is dedicated to developing decarbonized hydrogen, indicates the financial commitment to this energy transition. In total, public support of €7 billion is allocated until 2030 to accelerate this crucial deployment. In this context, HEF plays a major role in integrating the environmental issues. We are diversified in the markets linked with decarbonized energies with an emphasis on hydrogen. Our involvement extends from upstream with production of hydrogen to downstream, prioritizing hydrogen use for electric mobility or thermal mobility. This diversification is a reflection of our commitment to a complete energy transition process, thus contributing to a more sustainable future. The Energies for Industry day was a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and reinforce our commitment to the energy transition. HEF is committed to keep exploring innovative solutions, thus promoting decarbonization and the competitive ability of the enterprises. We must express our gratitude to Anne Giraudel, Antoine Decout, Severine Jouanneau, Si Larbi, Hervé Delorme, Pascal Dupres, Garance Maurin, and Christophe Picard, who shared their expertise in a master class on green hydrogen.
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