HEF extends its gratitude to all our industrial, academic, and institutional partners.
Thanks to their invaluable support and commitment, we are able to develop new functionalities and surface treatments, pushing the boundaries of innovation in our field.
Their expertise, resources, and ongoing collaboration empower us to achieve ambitious goals while solidifying our position as a technology leader. We wish to thank each of them for their trust and essential contribution to our shared success.
MINES Saint-Étienne
One of the missions of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (MINES Saint-Etienne) is scientific research at the highest level and the optimum use of this research for improving the competitiveness of companies.
The objectives of MINES Saint-Etienne are to support France’s economic policy and accelerate sustainable industrial production through innovative and responsive contributions.
“In the service of developing the companies in its region, Mines Saint-Etienne mobilizes its teams to meet your technological challenges in the areas of R&D, training or innovation.”
Valérie Lancelot, Partnerships and Innovation Department – Training Division

Centrale Lyon
Powerful laboratories, an international reputation
All its laboratories are associated with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and bring togetherbasic research and applied research. This ensures that Centrale Lyon’s laboratories are recognized at the highest scientific level in France and internationally and anchored in the reality of companies.
École Centrale de Lyon has developed a significant network of international academic and industrial partners, with 7 International Associated Laboratories (Laboratoires Internationaux Associés (LIA)) and 2 International Joint Units (Unités Mixtes Internationales (UMI)) around the world.
“Centrale Lyon conducts multidisciplinary research in engineering and information sciences as well as in exact sciences, working closely with industrial partners, major public organizations, and international collaborators to provide relevant solutions to today’s societal challenges: decarbonization, sustainable technology, and environmental preservation. This research relies on state-of-the-art technological platforms, such as Manutech-USD, supporting both the understanding of fundamental physical phenomena and experiments addressing industrial challenges in fields including energy, transportation, environment, health, nanotechnology, bioengineering, manufacturing processes, and construction.”
Christophe Corre, Director of Research and Innovation, Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Cetim is the technological accelerator for industrial transformation. It brings the very best of research to French manufacturers and offers a comprehensive range of consulting and engineering services.
“Cetim and HEF are uniting their strengths in the dynamic fields of tribology and surface engineering. As partners in the Manutech USD consortium, we take advantage of femtosecond laser surface texturing to develop innovative solutions that overcome the challenges of the mechanical engineering sector by optimizing the performance and the durability of component surfaces.”
Antoine HEDIN, Director of Strategic Activities Materials Product Process (MPP)

Innovation is about thinking differently when listening to customers’ needs. MECACHROME’s research and technology develop innovative industrial concepts and support the digital transformation of the industry.
MECACHROME’s capacity for innovation makes it possible to implement solutions that create value for customers to set them apart from their competitors. Its R&D organization relies on a dedicated, multi-disciplinary team located at the Nantes Technocampus Ocean. MECACHROME’s technological know-how is one of the essential elements of the firm’s competitiveness in France and throughout the world. The recently developed Focus Factory concept is the latest MECACHROME innovation.
“Mecachrome is an HEF industrial partner within GIE Manutech USD, for development of industrial surface preparation processes (texturing, deburring, sharpening) based on the potential of femtosecond lasers. Mecachrome is constantly innovating its production systems, to serve its customers active in the aerospace, defense, and automotive sectors.”
Jean-Dominique Thevenin, Strategy, M&A, Research & Development, IT & Systems Quality Group Executive Director at MECACHROME Group

Jean Monnet University
Created in 2006, the Hubert Curien Laboratory (Laboratoire Hubert Curien) is a joint research unit (UMR 5516) of the University of Saint-Etienne, the National Research Centre (CNRS), and the Institut d’Optique Graduate School. The joint research unit has 240 members who work on scientific issues relating to optics, photonics and microwaves, information technology, telecoms, and imaging.
In 2008, a joint research group was established with the Institut d’Optique Graduate School. It works on lighting, visual observation, optical imaging, and optoelectronic security.
In 2009, a joint research project team was established by the two companies HEF and IMPULSION. The team works on industrial applications involving femtosecond laser treatment.
In parallel, and in agreement with the CNRS and the university, members of the LIGIV team who conduct scientific research concerning the perceptual and physical dimensions of color have been integrated into our laboratory. Naturally, these researchers have adapted well to the field of image processing.
This consistent development has accompanied the structuring of the Rhône-Alpes Optics Cluster. It confirms the Saint-Étienne region’s status as a major Rhône-Alpes leader in the fields of optics, photonics, IT, telecoms, and imaging. Today, the Hubert Curien Laboratory is directly involved in five technology platforms of the “Rhône-Alpes Optics Cluster””.

Manutech USD
These values are expressed in the day-to-day work of the Manutech USD teams and with the academic partners Jean Monnet University, École Centrale de Lyon, MINES Saint-Etienne, Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (Cetim), and the manufacturing groups HEF and Mecachrome.
Consequently, collaboration is one of the foundational values. Manutech USD came about through a meeting between manufacturers and academic researchers. Its objectives are to increase and make optimum use of its knowledge for industrial applications. Manutech USD is a platform for technological equipment implemented in public/private collaboration that acts cohesively to respond most effectively to needs.
“GIE Manutech USD is a collaborative platform that specializes in ultra-short laser machining. Its role is to integrate scientific innovation into industrial applications by pooling the resources and competencies of its members, including HEF, via its IREIS subsidiary, in the fields of micro and nanotechnologies.”
Nicolas Compere, Vice President at MANUTECH USD